Discovering Salento: the Madonna dei Naviganti admin 27 February 2022

Discovering Salento: the Madonna dei Naviganti

la madonna torre lapillo

TORRE LAPILLO – The seabed holds treasures, wrecks, rarities, beauty and unfortunately lives, what remains of desperate human beings, unfortunate fishermen, travelers embarked on ships that increasingly resemble floating cities and which instead turn out to be a death trap .

It was 2012 when Italy mourned the 32 lives lost in the sinking of the Costa Concordia. A human error near the island of Giglio that caused a wound that was impossible to heal.

Italy was astonished and still is, in our Salento it was thought of a way worthy of remembering and paying undying homage to those past lives, so it was decided to place a statue depicting a Madonna on the coastal stretch of Torre Lapillo.

Porto Cesareo immersione madonna dei naviganti - YouTube

It is the Madonna dei Naviganti, placed a few meters deep with her gaze turned towards the Madonna of the Assumption, over the years it has become a constant destination of pilgrimages, the protagonist of videos with suggestive photos, while seraphic welcomes anyone who wants to entrust her with a prayer, a message , a hope or simply to enjoy the habitat that has been created around it, populated by algae and fish.

The statue is not only visible by diving, but it can also be admired by the mirrored keels of the boats modified specifically to allow those who do not want or cannot dive to see the seabed clearly.

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